Sunday, August 12, 2007

आतंकवाद Terrorism আতঙ্কবাদ

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Thursday, September 08, 2011


The terrorists have struk again. Yesterday, they detonated a bomb at Dehli High Court! They have threatened to bomb even the Supreme Court if Afzal Guru, the man to be hanged for Parliament Attack, is not spared the death sentence!

We as common citizen of this country are frustated to such an extent that we feel that Afzal Guru shuld be hanged immediately. Mr Manmohan Singh should try to stand on his own feet and take firm action. Right Now! Enough is enough!

We do not wants any talks, discussions, summits with Pakistan, Cricket matches and the other money making facilities for some interested parties! Any one taking up guns against common Indians on the streets must be treated as an invading enemy. Or else how shall the life of ordinary Indians be safeguarded? Do we not have the right to live in this country? What is the govt doing to protect us? They raid Baba Ramdeb's Camp at 2AM at night to hammer away sleeping men women and children! Just because they wanted the Govt to bring back the money kept in Swiss Banks! They can harrass the Anna Hazare movement leaders because they talked about stopping corruption!

Mr Manmohan Singh! Please do some thing to save the people who made you what you are today.

Friday, December 05,2008


We are shocked by the whole incident.

However we were not surprised!

With softies like Mr. Atal Behari Bajpeyi and Dr. Manmohan Singh ruling India for past 8 - 10 years, the people of the whole world have started believing that you can get away with anything by harming Indians inside or outside India, because there is nobody in charge here.

What were the Indian Polity doing since 1993 Mumbai Blasts?

Not a single person have been punished till date. No measures have been taken to ensure that 1993 was not repeated again. Alas! We had it again in a much deadlier form!

Why do the political parties, cutting across party lines, think that if they take any harsh measures against the terrorists then they will loose the vote bank?

We think it is an insult to self esteemed Muslims (because Muslims are under the scanner now) in India. During our 61 years of indepence, the Muslims have demonstrated their loyalty time and again. Why do we need them to prove it again and again, every day of their life in free India? Why do the political parties have no trust in them? Those who help the terrorists, let us take strong measures against them, with out bothering about what the rest of the coummunity will think or not. Because just like others they understand what is good and bad for us and the country. The Political Leaders must stop hobnobbing with those Mullahs and Imams who thrive on their followers having a feeling of perpetual insecurity in India.

Atalji did not allow our jawans to cross the LOC in Kashmir during the Kargil War in 1999 to demolish the training camps of Terrorists in Pakistan. That was a golden opportunity for us to break the backbone of Terrorism in Pakistan. We are paying the price now for that folly by bleeding in our homes, streets, everywhere.

Pakistan must Stop Running with the hare and Hunting with the Wolves!

On one hand they show that they are fighting International Terrorism. On the other hand they are the breeding ground of the deadliest forms of Terror!

If Pakistan does not stop nurturing such Frankesteins, then they have to pay the price for it eventually. Indians are a patient lot. But our patience is running out. We do not want to hear whether there are any renegade groups or rougue elements that are doing this mischief or not. We do not want to hear whether their bank accounts have been frozen or not.

The only Super Power USA must wake up and realise that they are ridding a ruthless tiger, that is Pakistan. That it is the main source of all International Terrorism. USA knowingly has been siding with Pakistan right from the birth of that nation. I still wonder how USA can bring itself to side with a Fanatic Dictatorship (Let us wait and watch how long the present democratic spell survives there! History is not very comforting!) against India, world's largest democracy!

The ordinary people of Pakistan, who are the same people as Indians and want peace like all of us, must gather courage and speak out against these Terrorist now. They must denouce this form of religious extremism. Otherwise they will have to pay a very heavy price for it.

News paper reports said that Kasav, the terrorist alive of the Mumbai Massacre, has confessed that they were instigated after seeing videos of anti muslim speeches delivered by Mr. Narendra Modi and other BJP leaders! We can not afford to alienate a big chunk of Indians by this sort of irresponsible actions. This must be stopped immediately.

Many, like Mr. Prakash Karat, The CPIM supremo, is of the opinion that it will not be wise to build a war like situation with Pakistan. But we ask, what is the situation now? What do they mean by War like situation? Which ingrediant of war is not there in the Mumbai Massacre?

It is better to finish this with a war than to live perpetually under fear of terrorism, death and war! The CPIM is that party in India that tries to play the Muslim card every day, every where! A party which swore by the revolution, once upon a time, has now got bogged down by all the negetive aspects of Indian democracy, minus all the positive ones !

Our security personnel must be given all the latest gadgets, arms and protective gears for their safety instead for letting them loose to their fates as in the case of Mr. Karkare, one the Martyrs of the Mumbai Massacre. His bullet proof jacket was of no use. Why cant they be given the same that are given to our PM or President?

Please POST A COMMENTS on this issue.

To get a good idea of the Mumbai Massacre in details Click here.

To read a Short story on Terrorism in India in Bengali by Chiranjoy Das Click here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
आतंकवाद खत्म करो
हम आसाम के कार्बि आंलं जिले में हुए, हिन्दी-भाषीयों की जघन्य हत्या का कड़ी निंदा करते हैं । ये लोग बच्चों को कत्ल करने से भी नहीं चुँके ।

जनप्रतिनीधित्व करने वाले आसाम एवं भारत सरकार का यही कर्तव्य होना चाहिये कि वह इन आतंकवादीयों को जड़ से मिटा दें ।

हम बाकी देशवासीयों से प्रार्थना करते हैं की वे मन मे प्रतिशोध की भावना न रखे । हिंदी भाषी इलाका से होकर जानेवाली आसाम के रेलगाड़ीयों को रोक कर आसामी बोलनेवालों का मार पीट तथा हत्या न करें ।

हम यहां उल्लेख करना चाहते हैं की इन आतंकवादीयों का धर्म और निहतजनों का धर्म शायद एक हि था । इन आतंकवादियों तथा कशमीरी जंगीयों का धर्म या मजहब एक नहीं है । असल में आतंकवादी सिर्फ आतंकवादी होते हैं । उनका कोई मजहब नहीं होता । किसी जाती व घर्म को हम आतंकवादी नहीं कह सकते हैं ।

आतंकावाद पर मिलन सेनगुप्ता का बंगला मे लिखा प्रबंध पड़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

आतंकवाद पर कवि स्वप्न मधुकर का लिखा हिंदी कविता पड़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

इस विषय पर आप का विचार इस पृष्ठ पर COMMENT कर लिखिए ।

আতঙ্কবাদ বন্ধ হোক

অসমের কার্বি আংলং জেলায় হিন্দী ভাষীদের নির্মম হত্যার আমরা তীব্র প্রতিবাদ করছি । তারা নারী ও শিশুদের হত্যা করতেও পিছপা হয় নি ।

জনপ্রতিনীধির সরকার হিসেবে আসাম ও ভারত সরকারের উচিত এই আতঙ্কবাদীদের সমূলে বিনষ্ট করা । আমরা প্রার্থনা করছি যাতে বাকি দেশবাসী মনে প্রতিষোধের ভাবনা না রাখেন এবং হিন্দী ভাষী এলাকার ভেতর দিয়ে আসামের যাতায়াতকারী ট্রেন থামিয়ে, অসমিয়া ভাষীদের মারধোর ও হত্যা না করেন ।

এখানে উল্লেখ করা যেতে পারে যে এই আতঙ্কবাদীদের ধর্ম ও মৃতের ধর্ম, বোধ হয় একই ছিল । এই আতঙ্কবাদীদের ধর্ম আর কাশমীরী জঙ্গী বা মধ্য প্রাচ্যের জঙ্গীদের ধর্ম এক নয় । আসলে আতঙ্কবাদী শুধু আতঙ্কবাদীই । তাদের কোনো ধর্ম নেই । কোনো একটি জাতি বা ধর্ম কে কখনই আতঙ্কবাদী বলা অন্যায় হবে ।

এখানে ক্লিক করে আতঙ্কবাদের উপর বাংলায় মিলন সেনগুপ্তের একটি লেখা পড়ুন

এখানে ক্লিক্ করে, ২৬/১১র পর, আতঙ্কবাদের উপর দুষ্ট কবির লেখা একটি কবিতা পড়ুন

এখানে ক্লিক করে উপরের কবিতাটিকে, ভাঙো বাস্তিল এলবাম থেকে, দেবাশিস রায়ের কণ্ঠে, গানের সুরে শুনুন

यहां क्लिक करके आतंकवाद पर स्वपन सेनगुप्ता का एक कविता पड़िये

আপনার মতামত এই পাতায় COMMENT করে লিখুন ।

Stop Terrorism

We are horrified at the killings of Hindi speaking people in Karbi Anglong district in Assam by the Terrorist Outfits. They did not even hesitate to kill women and children!

The Govt of Assam and India, both being elected representatives of the people and swearing by the Indian Constitution, should clamp down hard on the Terrorists till they are wiped out.We pray for wisdom to prevail in rest of the country and APPEAL TO ALL FOR NOT CARRYING OUT any retaliatory actions as before, by stopping trains from Assam passing through Hindi speaking states and butchering Assamese speaking people.

We feel it proper to mention here that the religion practiced by these terrorists is perhaps the same as those they killed and is not the same as those of the terrorists from J & K or the Middle-East. We believe that terrorists are just terrorists and they have no religion. Any particular community or religion should not be branded as terrorists.

Please Voice your opinion by writting your COMMENTS here.

To read and write in Bengali, please download FREE Fonts and FREE Keaboard Software by clicking the links given under "You must visit" and Set your Browser Encoding to Unicode (UTF-8 ). Thank you.


  1. আজ হায়দ্রাবাদের লুম্বিনি পার্ক এবং কোটি তে দুটি বোমার বিষ্ফোরণে বহু প্রাণহাণী ঘটেছে । সন্দেহের তীর দাউদ ইব্রাহিম এর দলের দিকেই বলে মনে করা হচ্ছে । নানা বিদেশী সরকারের প্রত্যক্ষ এবং পরোক্ষ মদতে দাউদ আজও আমাদের দেশের শাসনের ধরা ছোঁয়ার বাইরে । ভারত সরকারের ভূমিকা বড্ড নমনীয় । শুধু কংগ্রেস নয়, বাজপেয়ী সরকারও কোনো সাহসিকতার পরিচয় দিতে পারে নি । তাদের মহানুভবতার ফলে আজও পাকিস্তানে আতঙ্কবাদীদের প্রশিক্ষণ শিবির বহাল তবিয়তে চলছে । ৯৯ এর কারগিল যুদ্ধে যদি "হট পারসুট" করে পাক-অধিকৃত কাশ্মিরের সব ক্যাম্পগুলি গুঁড়িয়ে দেওয়া যেত তাহলে এত বেশী সংখ্যায় আতঙ্কবাদী তৈরী হতে পারতো না । এত ভারতীয় রক্তও অকালে ঝরতো না । কিন্তু বাজপেয়ী সাহেব তা করেন নি আমেরিকার ভয় বা ভক্তিতে তিনি সীমা পার করে সৈন্যদের এগিয়ে যাবার আদেশ দেন নি । একটি সুবর্ণ সুযোগ হাতছাড়া হয়েছিল । আমরা তার খেসারত দিচ্ছি ।
    Today's blasts at Hyderabad is the work of Dawood's gang! That is what the agencies are suspecting. Dawood has been able to stay beyond the reach of Indian Law due to the direct and indirect help of some foreign govts. Mr Vajpeyi should have allowed Hot Persuit to destroy all training camps in Pak Occupied Kashmir during the Kargil war. He failed to do so due to pressures from USA. He was afraid of the consequenses and probably did not trust our Jawans to do the job properly. Had he acted then, we would have much lesser number of trained terrorists to deal with now. We Indians are just paying the price of the softness of our leaders.

  2. The Sprit and Restraint, with which the people of Hyderabad has resumed their daily life is exemplary. May God continue give them the same strength in times to come. May the departed rest in peace. May the injured recover fully to continue with their lives. The Mumbaikars had also showed us the way in the past after the Train blasts.
    The whole purpose of the Terrorists, to create a divide and chaos, is defeated.

    Ei to chai!

  3. Today we had two more Bomb blasts in Assam. It seems it is the handy work of ULFA or United Liberation Front of Assam.

    We may recall that during the rule of Prime Minister Mr Chandra Shekhar, Indian army carried out its "Operation Rhino" to finish off ULFA. Just as the Army was about to finish the job and Ulfa leaders were on the run, the PM called off the oprations to the surprize of the whole nation. We still do not know why! The Ulfa is back much stronger than before.
    By the way, their religion is Hinduism! So though the terrorists have some religion or the other, all terrorists do not have the same religion! Therefore terrorism can not be attributed to any particular religion.

  4. Sometime back I was shocked to see naked violence in Assam again. This time we saw the Adivasi boys and girls getting thrashed in camera. As the reports suggested, the whole thing was sparked off by the adivasi agitators who were marching in a protest rally demanding reservation of some form or other. It seems they had suddenly become violent and started the arson. However what repercussions, from the local residents we saw on camera was frightening !

    I can only say that the inequality in the Indian Social fabrik and the political opportunism to cash on it by simply declaring a section of the so called backward classes has led to such horrible incidents.

    Recently a revenge action was carried out in the form of a Bomb Blast on the New Delhi - Guahati Rajdhani Express, killing five and injureing many.

    So where will it end? Will it ever end? In the west of the country you have the agitating Gujjars with a similar demand.

    I feel that all resevations must be abolished immedately. Stress should be given to eduction of all. Strict punishment should be laid down for people trying to discriminate on the grounds of cast, religion, colour, race, province, gender etc. Merit should be the only criteria. There is a reservation policy for SC & ST for last 60 years in this country. Has it made any difference to their lives ? Only manages to keep them away from the mainstream!

  5. The terrorists have struk again. Yesterday, they detonated a bomb at Dehli High Court! They have threatened to bomb even the Supreme Court if Afzal Guru, the man to be hanged for Parliament Attack, is not spared the death sentence!

    We as common citizen of this country are frustated to such an extent that we feel that Afzal Guru shuld be hanged immediately. Mr Manmohan Singh should try to stand on his own feet and take firm action. Right Now! Enough is enough!

    We do not wants any talks, discussions, summits with Pakistan, Cricket matches and the other money making facilities for some interested parties! Any one taking up guns against common Indians on the streets must be treated as an invading enemy. Or else how shall the life of ordinary Indians be safeguarded?

    Do we not have the right to live in this country? Are oridary Indians not eligible for Human Rights? What is the govt doing to protect us? They raid Baba Ramdeb's Camp at 2AM at night to hammer away sleeping men women and children! Just because they wanted the Govt to bring back the money kept in Swiss Banks! They can harrass the Anna Hazare movement leaders because they talked about stopping corruption!

    Mr Manmohan Singh! Please do some thing to save the people who made you what you are today. Otherwise you will find yourself thrown in the dust bin of History some day!

  6. Finally Kasab was Hanged!

    But Indian Govt must come out with some photographic evidence. Even Obama Govt pulished photos of Osama bin Laden after executing him.

    This Govt's credibility level is so low that I do not blame people if they have already started doubting the whole episode as a sham or got-up stunt or some form of deal, some one struck with the terrorists or somebody somewhere!

    You can see it all over the internet. Some say that Kasab was killed by Dengue and this Govt is trying to make a milage out of it.

    Such rumours must be silenced, not by police raj bullying the people, but by producing credible evidence.

    Even the govt said that Kasab has been burried in an unmarked grave! That means if in future some controversy arises, say like some one in Pakistan claims to be Kasab, no one will be able to even exhume the body to carry out DNA tests. So we will never know whose body was burried if at all some body was burried!

    We all understand why The Congress Govt headed by Mr Manmohan Singh wants to keep the List of names in HSBC or Swiss Banks a Top Secret affair. But I fail to understand why the secrecy in Kasab's case. What are they trying to hide now?

    We may never come to know. Like what happened to Netaji?

    The secrecy was good till the hanging, to avoid any disturbances, but why maintain secrecy after that? And why in Yerwada Jail, of all the places?
